Oxford Sports Trust Inc.
PO Box 1432 Whangarei
Phone: 09 430 0373
Fax: 09 438 5702
Email: admin@oxfordtrusts.co.nz
App No |
Applicant Name |
Grant Category |
Requested Amount: |
Compliant Amount: |
Approved Amount: |
Declined Amount: |
Declined Partial or Full |
Reason for Decline |
OT32034 | Awanui Sports Complex Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $8,550.43 | $8,550.43 | $4,000.00 | $4,550.43 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32052 | BAY OF ISLANDS AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB INCORPORATED | Amateur Sporting Activities | $1,900.00 | $1,550.00 | $1,550.00 | $350.00 | Partial | |
OT32057 | BIKE NORTHLAND INCORPORATED | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $7,800.00 | $7,800.00 | $7,800.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32036 | City Cricket Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $6,611.85 | $6,611.85 | $6,611.85 | $0.00 | | |
OT32055 | Cystic Fibrosis Association of New Zealand | Emergency and Health | $2,500.00 | $2,500.00 | $2,500.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32084 | Dyslexia PLUS Whangarei Incorporated | Advancement of Education | $2,017.00 | $2,000.00 | $2,000.00 | $17.00 | Partial | |
OT32031 | Eagles Golfing Society of Northland Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $3,315.00 | $2,615.00 | $2,615.00 | $700.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32098 | Eastern United Rugby & Sports Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $6,565.22 | $6,565.22 | $5,000.00 | $1,565.22 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32019 | Far North Rod & Custom Car Club | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $575.00 | $575.00 | $575.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32010 | Forum North Trust 2013 | Arts and Culture | $8,000.00 | $7,026.97 | $4,000.00 | $4,000.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32088 | Global Network Support Charitable Trust | Relief of Poverty | $3,800.00 | $3,800.00 | $3,000.00 | $800.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32068 | Habitat for Humanity Northern Region Limited | Community Charitable Purposes | $8,212.75 | $8,212.75 | $4,884.75 | $3,328.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32086 | Heart Kids New Zealand Incorporated | Relief of Poverty | $4,875.00 | $4,500.00 | $4,500.00 | $375.00 | Partial | |
OT32103 | KAITAIA BOXING CLUB INCORPORATED | Amateur Sporting Activities | $5,360.00 | $5,360.00 | $5,360.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32104 | Kaitaia College | Advancement of Education | $9,315.00 | $9,315.00 | $9,315.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32063 | Kaitaia Intermediate School | Emergency and Health | $5,870.00 | $5,870.00 | $5,870.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32085 | KAITAIA SPORT AND LEISURE TRUST | Amateur Sporting Activities | $7,737.98 | $5,399.98 | $5,399.98 | $2,338.00 | Partial | |
OT31944 | Kamo High School Board of Trustees | Advancement of Education | $12,964.29 | $12,964.29 | $5,000.00 | $7,964.29 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32047 | Kamo Soccer Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $1,727.22 | $1,727.22 | $1,727.22 | $0.00 | | |
OT32048 | Kamo Soccer Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $5,647.25 | $5,647.25 | $2,000.00 | $3,647.25 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32081 | Kamo Tennis and Sports Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $1,400.00 | $1,400.00 | $1,400.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32083 | Kerikeri High School | Arts and Culture | $2,647.63 | $2,647.63 | $2,647.63 | $0.00 | | |
OT32008 | KERIKERI MENS SHED INCORPORATED | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $10,151.18 | $10,151.18 | $4,626.00 | $5,525.18 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32042 | Kerikeri Theatre Company Incorporated | Arts and Culture | $5,250.00 | $5,250.00 | $3,000.00 | $2,250.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32030 | Maunu School | Advancement of Education | $14,680.80 | $14,680.80 | $5,000.00 | $9,680.80 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32115 | MID-NORTHERN RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB INCORPORATED | Amateur Sporting Activities | $7,546.33 | $7,546.33 | $4,000.00 | $3,546.33 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32116 | NEW ZEALAND COUNCIL OF VICTIM SUPPORT GROUPS INCORPORATED | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $10,076.92 | $10,076.92 | $8,000.00 | $2,076.92 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32058 | No 1 District Federation of New Zealand Soccer Incorporated | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $14,770.62 | $14,770.62 | $14,770.62 | $0.00 | | |
OT32029 | North Haven Hospice Society Incorporated | Emergency and Health | $14,260.46 | $14,260.46 | $14,260.46 | $0.00 | | |
OT31992 | Northern Royal Agricultural Society | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $2,158.00 | $2,158.00 | $2,158.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32045 | Northland Area Girls' Brigade | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $590.00 | $590.00 | $590.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32072 | Northland Basketball Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $24,628.00 | $22,611.00 | $22,611.00 | $2,017.00 | Partial | |
OT32099 | Northland Cricket Association Inc | Amateur Sporting Activities | $16,041.00 | $16,041.00 | $16,041.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32049 | NORTHLAND DISABLED CHARITABLE TRUST | Community Charitable Purposes | $4,710.00 | $4,569.13 | $4,569.13 | $140.87 | Partial | |
OT32124 | Northland Football Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $32,715.48 | $32,715.48 | $25,000.00 | $7,715.48 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32080 | NORTHLAND HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED | Amateur Sporting Activities | $18,000.00 | $18,000.00 | $18,000.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32127 | Northland Inline Skating Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $4,800.00 | $4,800.00 | $3,000.00 | $1,800.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32077 | Northland Mathematics Association | Advancement of Education | $2,756.67 | $467.17 | $467.17 | $2,289.50 | Partial | |
OT32082 | Northland Multiple Sclerosis Society Incorporated | Community Charitable Purposes | $350.00 | $350.00 | $350.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32018 | Northland Paraplegic & Physically Disabled Association Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $8,320.00 | $8,320.00 | $8,320.00 | $0.00
| OT32053 | Northland Rugby Referees Association | Amateur Sporting Activities | $20,138.50 | $7,403.50 | $7,403.50 | $12,735.00 | Partial | |
OT32118 | Northland Rugby Union Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $65,132.05 | $65,132.05 | $65,132.05 | $0.00 | | |
OT32079 | Northland Show Hunter Group | Amateur Sporting Activities | $11,000.00 | $11,000.00 | $5,000.00 | $6,000.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32109 | Northland Squash Rackets Assoc Inc | Amateur Sporting Activities | $12,675.00 | $12,675.00 | $12,675.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32112 | NORTHLAND SURFING ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED | Amateur Sporting Activities | $3,828.93 | $3,828.93 | $2,000.00 | $1,828.93 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32090 | NORTHWAVE AMATEUR SWIM CLUB INCORPORATED | Amateur Sporting Activities | $1,890.00 | $1,890.00 | $1,500.00 | $390.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32062 | Onerahi Bowling Club Inc | Amateur Sporting Activities | $2,000.00 | $2,000.00 | $2,000.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32066 | Pompallier Catholic College | Amateur Sporting Activities | $1,129.03 | $1,129.03 | $1,129.03 | $0.00 | | |
OT32095 | Poroti School | Emergency and Health | $1,244.10 | $925.00 | $925.00 | $319.10 | Partial | |
OT32024 | R Tucker Thompson Sail Training Trust | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $5,000.00 | $5,000.00 | $3,000.00 | $2,000.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32056 | Rongopai House Community Trust | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $5,400.00 | $5,400.00 | $5,400.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32076 | Rugby League Northland Zone of NZRL Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $5,277.00 | $5,277.00 | $5,277.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32059 | Rugby League Northland Zone of NZRL Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $65,393.50 | $65,393.50 | $65,393.50 | $0.00 | | |
OT32113 | SAIL NORTHLAND CHARITABLE TRUST | Amateur Sporting Activities | $3,045.00 | $2,450.00 | $2,450.00 | $595.00 | Partial | |
OT32092 | Sport Northland | Relief of Poverty | $231,088.84 | $230,088.84 | $120,000.00 | $111,088.84 | Partial | |
OT32044 | Tai Tokerau Emergency Housing Charitable Trust | Community Charitable Purposes | $3,500.00 | $3,500.00 | $3,500.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32121 | Te Houtaewa Maori Charitable Trust | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $5,500.00 | $5,500.00 | $5,500.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32061 | Te Kura o Otangarei Board of Trustees | Advancement of Education | $15,967.64 | $15,967.64 | $15,967.64 | $0.00 | | |
OT32100 | Te Manu Aute Trust | Advancement of Education | $7,500.00 | $7,500.00 | $7,500.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32039 | Te Pokapu Tiaki Taiao O Te Tai Tokerau Trust | Purposes beneficial to the Community | $6,000.00 | $6,000.00 | $6,000.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32117 | Tennis Northland Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $2,123.50 | $2,123.50 | $2,123.50 | $0.00 | | |
OT32107 | The Parkinson's New Zealand Charitable Trust | Community Charitable Purposes | $12,663.60 | $12,663.60 | $4,551.00 | $8,112.60 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32106 | Tikipunga High School | Advancement of Education | $23,876.10 | $23,876.10 | $10,000.00 | $13,876.10 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32096 | Touch New Zealand Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $12,499.98 | $8,333.32 | $3,000.00 | $9,499.98 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32091 | WHANGAREI ACADEMY OF GYMNASTICS INCORPORATED | Amateur Sporting Activities | $3,181.96 | $3,181.96 | $2,000.00 | $1,181.96 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32075 | Whangarei Blue Light Ventures Inc | Community Charitable Purposes | $15,728.69 | $15,728.69 | $11,513.04 | $4,215.65 | Partial | DR2 |
OT31997 | Whangarei Boys' High School | Advancement of Education | $101,760.00 | $101,760.00 | $10,000.00 | $91,760.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32126 | Whangarei Boys' High School | Amateur Sporting Activities | $5,309.85 | $2,546.39 | $1,000.00 | $4,309.85 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32123 | Whangarei Boys' High School | Amateur Sporting Activities | $6,900.00 | $6,000.00 | $1,000.00 | $5,900.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32125 | Whangarei Boys' High School | Amateur Sporting Activities | $6,408.26 | $2,079.36 | $1,000.00 | $5,408.26 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32128 | Whangarei Boys' High School | Amateur Sporting Activities | $8,670.00 | $2,890.00 | $1,000.00 | $7,670.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32089 | Whangarei Festivals Trust | Arts and Culture | $7,500.00 | $7,500.00 | $3,000.00 | $4,500.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32108 | Whangarei Girls' High School | Amateur Sporting Activities | $2,539.70 | $2,539.70 | $2,539.70 | $0.00 | | |
OT32069 | Whangarei Girls' High School | Amateur Sporting Activities | $3,786.09 | $3,786.09 | $2,000.00 | $1,786.09 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32120 | Whangarei Netball Centre Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $6,239.60 | $6,239.60 | $6,239.60 | $0.00 | | |
OT32067 | Whangarei Parents Centre Incorporated | Community Charitable Purposes | $1,100.00 | $1,100.00 | $1,100.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32097 | Whangarei Pipe Band Society Incorporated | Arts and Culture | $2,636.00 | $2,636.00 | $2,636.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32111 | Whangarei Racing Club Incorporated | Promotion of Racing | $25,000.00 | $25,000.00 | $25,000.00 | $0.00 | | |
OT32122 | Whangarei Rowing Club Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $17,055.00 | $17,055.00 | $10,000.00 | $7,055.00 | Partial | DR2 |
OT32105 | WHANGAREI TENNIS & SQUASH CLUB (INCORPORATED) | Amateur Sporting Activities | $4,700.00 | $4,700.00 | $3,000.00 | $1,700.00 | Partial | DR2 |
Meeting Total: |
$1,051,585.00 |
$1,009,796.48 |
$682,975.37 |
$368,609.63 |
App No |
Applicant Name |
Grant Category |
Requested Amount |
Compliant Amount |
Approved Amount |
Declined Amount |
Declined Partial or Full |
Reason for Decline |
OT32094 | Hora Hora School | Advancement of Education | $37,382.61 | $37,382.61 | $0.00 | $37,382.61 | Full | DR2 |
OT32023 | Life Education Trust 2011 Whangarei | Advancement of Education | $6,041.67 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $6,041.67 | Full | DR4 |
OT32071 | Old Boys Marist Rugby & Sports Club (Whangarei) Incorporated | Amateur Sporting Activities | $5,810.00 | $5,810.00 | $0.00 | $5,810.00 | Full | DR2 |
OT32078 | SURF LIFE SAVING NORTHERN REGION INCORPORATED | Emergency and Health | $16,152.00 | $16,152.00 | $0.00 | $16,152.00 | Full | |
Meeting Total: |
$65,386.28 |
$59,344.61 |
$0.00 |
$65,386.28 |
Code Description
DR1 Out of Area
DR2 Insufficent Funds
DR3 Part Approved
DR4 Authorised Purpose
DR5 Retrospective
DR6 Outstanding Accountability
DR7 Incompleted
PD1 Partial - Out of Area
PD2 Partial - Insufficient Funds
PD3 Partial - Part Approved
PD4 Partial - Authorised Purpose
PD5 Partial -Partially Non Compliant
PD6 Partial -Partially Retrospective
PD7 Partial - Outstanding Accountability
PD8 Partial - Incomplete