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TRUST MEETING DATE: 19th March 2025 - Successful applicants will be paid at the end of the month.
Application Form:
Apply online
FAQS (only for online applications)
All applications are to be made online.
If funding is required for an event: The fully completed application will only be considered if the event is being held or attended in the month following the Trustees monthly meeting. This will ensure
the funding payment is received before the event date, making sure the grant funds are not retrospective.
Close off date is the 5th of each month. Completed applications will be considered at the Trust meeting
which is held towards the end of each month.
Venues that support Oxford Sports Trust and our Communities
Kaitaia: Mussel Rock Bar & Cafe 75 Commerce Street, Collards Sports Bar, Cnr State Highway 1 and Whangatane Drive, Kaitaia
Kaikohe: The Bank Bar 124 Broadway, Kaikohe
Kerikeri: Rocksalt Restaurant & Bar, Cnr Kerikeri & Cobham Roads, Kerikeri
Whangarei: Kensington Tavern, Kensington Ave, Whangarei
Judge House of Ale, 54 Walton Street, Whangarei
Tote & Poke, 79 Cameron Street, Whangarei
Pure Bar & Grill, 79A Cameron Street, Whangarei
Wellsford: Wellsford Inn, 184 Rodney Street, Wellsford
Dargaville: Dargaville Central Hotel, 70 Victoria Street, Dargaville.
POLICY REVIEW - Reviewed annually, see below for changes: - 22nd June 2016 at the monthly meeting the policy was reviewed Gambling amendment Act 2015 section 70 amending section 115
of the Gambling Act 2003 to add Section 115A Duty on grant recipients (1) A grant recipient who receives a grant of net proceeds from class 4 gambling must use the grant - (a) only for the specific authorised
purpose for which it was granted; and (b) in accordance with any conditions consistent with the Act attaching to the grant. (2) A grant recipient who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000. - March 2015 at the monthly meeting - policy was reviewed - July 2014 at the monthly meeting - policy was reviewed - 22nd August 2013 at the monthly Trustees
meeting it was decided that the Society will no longer fund Trophies/Rosettes/ Medals. - 18th October 2012 at the monthly Trustee meeting, authorised purposes were revised and the following changes have been made. : As from October 2012 Organisations that have not returned full accountability within the stipulated period (date on approval letter) shall not receive ANY further funding. : No longer fund Referees
Fees - 22nd January 2009 at the monthly Trustees meeting. As from this date the Society will no longer fund administration wages below Regional level. - 22nd November 2007 at the monthly Trustees meeting. Revised
authorised purpose for the consideration of Grant funding.